Greek tourism yet durable: 4.6% drop in arrivals in the first half of the year

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The Greek tourism shows yet durability in one more difficult year, as evidenced by the international arrivals at 14 major airports in the first half of 2012, which was reduced by only 4.6% compared with the corresponding period of 2011. This development, according to the Association of Greek Tourist Enterprises (SETE), which collects data on arrivals, makes feasible the goal set for all international arrivals in 2012 of 16 ...

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Athens Airport – Significant incentives to airlines for summer season 2012

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AIA / Press Release

AIA: Significant incentives to airlines to support the passenger traffic in summer season 2012

Continuing a consistent the incentives policy to airlines, Athens International Airport, after the introduction of the winter special financial incentive which is valid until April 30 and involves reductions in passenger charges for low fares, introduced in summer 2012 three very significant incentives designed to support the airlines and to help maintain ...

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Dutch voted Greece as the best airline destination in Europe

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Greece remains on the top for Dutch tourists, gaining the title of best airline destination in Europe of the  Zoover Awards 2012. is the largest travel portal in the Netherlands, both to book and to compare tourism destinations and enterprises based on the reviews of the visitors.

For more than 2 months over 140,000 users were able to vote for their favorite holiday destination based on service quality, ...

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Increased by 9.5% the tourist traffic in Greece in 2011

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The tourist traffic from abroad to the country in 2011 was increased, as according to borders survey data conducted by the Bank of Greece and released by the Greek Statistical Authority (ELSTAT), January – December 2011 arrivals of non-residents from abroad increased by 9.5%, compared with those of the corresponding period of 2010. In particular, arrivals from Europe, accounting the largest share of arrivals (89.2%), increased by 10.4%, while arrivals from Member States of the European Union increased by 4.9%.

A ...

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